Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Power of Failure

The power of failure to most is an enigma
As fear happens to be life's biggest dogma

What every soul is trying to achieve
Is momentary success which can later make you grieve

The world is ruled by anarchy and chaos
the cost of which every human has to pay off

As the perpetual wheel of time slides on
Let intelligence decipher knowledge long before it is gone

The truth of life is to discover why things fail
The power to which is always bound to hail

Delayed failure is the interpretation of success
Every successful thing would eventually turn into mess

Success is calibrated by how much failure you take
It is measured by how much learning you make

Every single failure is a teacher in disguise
It could sense harsh but the teachings are nice

Failure was directed to take us closer to perfectionism
It was created to show us life's infinite prism

O worthy Souls!Don't grieve for the failures of the past no matter how fatal
Know not you these failures are light posts to a successful label

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice poem but i think the best poem so far is the first one!